To My Daughter...

Dear Phoebe on your 15th Birthday

"Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!"

3 years from now, legally you will be an adult and as I look at you now, the beautiful young lady that you are - a real lady in every sense of the word, my heart bursts with so my joy! 

My darling Phoebe, I often wonder if you REALLY are aware of how much I love you, of how proud I am to be called Phoebe's mom. I wonder if I have made it known to you, just how precious you are to me. I wonder if you know that there is nothing that you could ever do or say or be that would cause me love you less. I wonder if you know that I fell in love with you even before I physically saw you. I wonder if you know that apart from God, you are the ONE who taught me what love really is. The first time I felt you move inside my womb and while God was busy knitting you together in there, that was the very moment that my heart changed forever; knowing that HE chose me to be your passage into this world. That HE chose me to carry you, to nurture you, to protect you, to coach you, to train you up in the way you should go - HIS way and not my own. Phoebe I want you to know that even though the Lord chose me to be your mother I am ever mindful that you belong to HIM and I hope more than anything else in the world for you, that you would KNOW THAT ONE THING FOR SURE - that YOU ARE HIS and what that really means in the big scheme of things. I Hope that you see what I see in you; through the eyes of the One who created you and oh how HE created you - with great reverence and heart-felt interest, uniquely and marvelously made for great things and set apart for a purpose far beyond your comprehension!!!

From Dr Seuss:

“Kid, you’ll move mountains!”

“And will you succeed? Yes you will indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)”
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

I love you!


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